Oct .7 – 23, 2023

Gospel Trip to 
Berlin, Leipzig,
Jena and Dresden

„Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them to the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit;“ – Matt. 28:19

Preaching the Gospel on the College Campuses

„We need a young army that can be sent to the campuses to bring in more young people, but all the older and middle-aged saints are also needed. We should not be discouraged that we may be too old to go to the campus. The church’s gospel preaching needs all the saints. Because the local churches in the Lord’s recovery are standing on the genuine ground of oneness, we can have a very good coordination. We all need to learn so that we can have the best coordination.“ (Preaching the Gospel on the College Campuses, p.16)

Humboldt Universität

Technische Universität Dresden

Leipzig Universität

„Whom shall I send? Who will go for Us?“


information concerning the gospel Trip

General Burden

In order to fulfill the New Testament priesthood of the gospel, we must build up a habit of the normal way for the spreading of the gospel (Acts 8:4-5)(Elders’ Training Book 11, p. 73). The local saints in Berlin and nearby areas such as Leipzig, Jena, and Dresden, have been greatly stirred up in their spirit for the gospel and have been full of joy; they have been regularly going out to preach the gospel and to distribute Bibles.

We hope to receive 20 visiting saints from overseas to blend with us here and carry out one work for the gospel here in Berlin and some of the surrounding cities. By having the visiting saints take care of their own lodging and food the principle is that the local saints will be released to join the gospel preaching, instead of practical services. The goal is that all the local saints in the churches here could participate in gospel preaching at least one time and that we could gain some good contacts for further shepherding.

First Week

During the first week all the visiting saints will be in Berlin. We plan to contact new students since it is the beginning of their semester as well as gain contacts in the community through passing out Bibles. Every year, over 200,000 students enrol in universities in and around Berlin. There is a great need to contact new students. We pray that the Lord will use this trip and gain these new contacts and other open and seeking German students to be borne as remaining fruit.

Second Week

In the second week, the visitings saints will be divided into four sub teams and will join the saints in Leipzig, Jena, and Dresden, where the local saints have been laboring faithfully for the eventual raising up of a lampstand. One team will remain in Berlin to further strengthen the outreach during the first week of classes.

Daily schedule and coordination place

We will try to follow the suggested daily schedule which is as follows:

  • 9:00 – 11:00am: coordination meeting
  • 11:00-13:30: traveling to the campus and gospel preaching
  • 13:30-16:00: lunch and break
  • 16:00-18:00: preaching the gospel
  • 18:00: dinner or blending and rest

The daily coordination will take place at the follow places:

How many saints in the team?

For the first week of the gospel trip, all the visiting saints (20) will be in Berlin. In the second week, most the visiting saints will be sent to the nearby areas – Leipzig(8), Jena(4), and Dresden(4), with one team remaining in Berlin (4)

What are the campuses or areas where we are going to preach the gospel?

Berlin: Freie Universität (FU), Humboldt Universität (HU), and Technische Universität Berlin (TU)

Leipzig: University of Leipzig (Canteen and Library)

Jena: Jena University (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität) and City Center

Dresden: Technische Universität Dresden — TU Dresden (Canteen and Library)

Recommendations for lodging and food

Arrival to Berlin should be before the orientation meeting on Monday (Oct. 10) evening.


  • Lodging: From Oct. 7 to Oct. 15, the meeting hall can provide 5 brothers and 5 sisters to stay. The rest of the participants will need to book their own lodging in Berlin. The second week subteam will all stay at the hall. We recommend the saints to stay at the following places:
  • Hostel Amanda: Schorfheidestraße 5, 13439 Berlin (80€/per double-room/night or 720€ for 9 nights). 23 minutes by public transportation to the hall.
  • Food: Food in the capital is ready accessible all throughout the city. The meeting hall can be used to prepare meals.
  • Transportation: One-week ticket costs 39€


  • Lodging:
  • Apartment 1 for 4 saints: Petzscher Straße 1, 04129 Leipzig (around 50€/per person/night or 400€ total for 8 nights). pre-booked
  • Apartment 2 for 4 saints: Delitzscher Straße 90, 04129 Leipzig (around 50€/per person/night or 400€ total for 8 nights). pre-booked
  • Food: There is a grocery store and bakery near the apartments. You can cook in the apartments. There are also many restaurants nearby.
  • Transportation: One-week ticket costs 29.9€


  • Lodging:
  • Jena Paradies, Address: Am Heinrichsberg 7 Apt. 1, Jena, 07743, Deutschland (34€/per person/night or 272€ total for 8 nights; for 2 persons). pre-booked
  • Andres Apartments, Address: Zwätzengasse 3. OG, Jena, 07743, Deutschland (51€/per person/night or 408€ total for 8 nights; for 2 persons). pre-booked
  • Food: From the hotel walk 10 minutes to Jena city center (Leutragraben 1, 07743 Jena) where there are plenty restaurants
  • Transportation: One-week ticket costs 20.9€


  • Lodging:
  • Address: 89 Chemnitzer Straße, 01187 Dresden (54€/per person/night or 435.66€ total for 8 nights; for 2 persons) pre-booked
  • Address: 168 Zwickauer Straße, 01187 Dresden, Germany (44€/per person/night or 357.17€ total for 8 nights; for 2 persons) pre-booked
  • Food: Super market (Chemnitzer Str. 68, 01187 Dresden), Bakery (Chemnitzer Str. 90, 01187 Dresden) and Food court (F.-C.-Weiskopf-Platz 9, 01187 Dresden)
  • Transportation: One-week ticket costs 26€

Coordinators and their contact information

Berlin: Steve Barth ( stevenbarthjr@gmail.com), Amado Morales ( Amado1938@gmail.com), Mulaw Gebreselassie ( mulgeb1@gmail.com)

Leipzig: Leipzig: Hur Jiang ( hurjiang08@gmail.com)

Jena: Jachin Lee ( jachinlee9@gmail.com)

Dresden: Zebulun Liu ( liuhowhang@gmail.com)
