Dear saints, the suggested prayer burdens are given as a help to pray for matters that we feel are important for the Lord's interest at this time. These do not need to be followed in the way of legality; we want our prayer to be organic by following the leading of the Spirit. Also please pray for the ones that you are burdened for and the needs that you are aware of.

And Jehovah God commanded the man, saying,...Of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, of it you shall not eat; for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die. (Gen. 2:16-17)

1. The conflict in Ukraine Please continue to pray that:
• Adequate housing will be found for the Ukrainian saints who are expecting to remain in Europe

• The Lord will continue to shepherd the Ukrainian refugees in Europe and bring the chosen ones to believe into Christ and enter the church life

• The local saints and serving ones will be blended with the Ukrainian saints for the strengthening and building up of the Lord’s testimony in key European cities

• The saints in Russia and Ukraine will be kept in the oneness of the Body and the reality of the new man, where Christ is all the members and in all the members

• The tripartite being of the saints in the besieged cities will be protected and preserved for the Lord’s interests, and the Lord’s building work among the saints will be intensified for the shaming of His enemy

• The Lord will open a way for several thousand Russian New Testament Recovery Versions to enter into Europe and be distributed among the refugees

• The Ukrainian families that have been separated by the war will eventually be reunited for God’s economy

• The spiritual forces that seek to destroy the Lord’s interests will be shattered, and God’s move in His economy will advance A reminder from the footnote on 1 Kings 8:48: “ matter for whom we are praying, our prayers should be aimed at the interests of God, i.e., at Christ and the church as God’s interests on earth, for the fulfilling of God’s economy.”

2. In the pre-training meeting of Phase 4 of the God-ordained Way Practice training, we heard that the call to preach the gospel and save people comes from four directions: from the heavens; from the cry of the rich man who was suffering in the flames of Hades; from an urgent, inward sense of responsibility; and from the desperate need of those around us. Pray for the groups to respond to the Lord’s call in registering for phase 4 of the training.

3. The practice of the God-ordained Way in the vital groups recovers the universal priesthood, in which every believer serves the Lord, and it recovers the priesthood of the gospel, in which we serve the Lord by offering to Him the saved sinners gained by our preaching of the gospel. We will strengthen our habit to regularly preach the gospel by a gospel trip from 10 - 23 October 2022. We hope to be joined by 20 saints from overseas during this time with a focus on the campus, the best fishing pond, at the beginning of the semester. Please pray for this time that the Lord will give us many young people as contacts to shepherd in the vital groups.

4. Please pray for the university training, which is scheduled from 20 - 24 of September. The subject is "God's Economy, which is in Faith." All the speaking in the messages and workshops is geared to impart the burden and equip the students to preach the gospel. This is with a view that they would be prepared and ready to preach the gospel on the campuses this October when the gospel teams come to Germany.

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