Dear saints, the suggested prayer burdens are given as a help to pray for matters that we feel are important for the Lord's interest at this time. These do not need to be followed in the way of legality; we want our prayer to be organic by following the leading of the Spirit. Also please pray for the ones that you are burdened for and the needs that you are aware of.

And day by day, continuing steadfastly with one accord in the temple and breaking bread from house to house, they partook of their food with exultation and simplicity of heart, praising God and having grace with all the people. And the Lord added together day by day those who were being saved. (Acts 2:46-47)

1. The European Young People’s Conference in Male Ciche, Poland ended this past Saturday, 6 August 2022. Please pray for the young people that the Lord’s speaking, the shepherding, the companionship, and the encouragement that they received in the conference would be continued and built upon as they go back to their localities.

2. Please continue to pray for the ruling of the heavens over the entire situation in Ukraine so that:

• The Lord will bountifully supply the saints serving in Warsaw, Gut Elim, and in other localities as they care for the saints from Ukraine. Pray that the saints from Ukraine would be factors of life and building as they move from Gut Elim to other cities in Germany.

• The Lord would use the shepherding gospel trips to Warsaw and Krakow, Poland, to bring many newly saved refugees into the church life, where they can be perfected to be living and functioning members for the building up of the Body

• The spiritual forces that seek to destroy the Lord’s interests will be shattered, and God’s move in His economy will advance

• The Lord would provide more housing for the Ukrainian saints that are ready to move from Gut Elim to the localities in Germany.

3. On Wednesday, 17 August 2022, there will be a Pre-training meeting of Phase 4 of the God- ordained Way Practice Training. Please pray desperately for this meeting and for this phase of the training that the Lord will grant us His grace and mercy to have a breakthrough in the practice of the God-ordained way in the vital groups. Pray that the Lord will grant each group to bear remaining fruit as we have intimate and thorough fellowship with the Lord, have a thorough confession, pray thoroughly, and spend two to three hours a week to contact people.

4. Brother Benson Phillips’ family would like you to be aware that one week ago he was admitted to the hospital in Fort Worth, Texas, for treatment of a medical problem. From that point, his situation has become very serious, critical, and urgent. He has developed pulmonary and cardiac difficulties that have worsened to the point that they require intensive care. Please pray that our dear Lord would continue to care for every detail of our brother's situation according to His good pleasure.

Also, please keep Benson and his entire and precious family in your prayers according to the principle of 1 Kings 8:48, which indicates that God will listen to our prayer when our prayer to The European Young People’s Conference in Male Ciche, Poland ended this past Saturday, 6 August 2022. God is toward the Holy Land (typifying Christ), the holy city (typifying the kingdom of God), and the holy temple (typifying the house of God) as the goal in God’s eternal economy. “This means that no matter for whom we are praying, our prayers should be aimed at the interests of God, i.e., at Christ and the church as God’s interests on earth, for the fulfilling of God’s economy” (footnote 1).

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