Dear saints, the suggested prayer burdens are given as a help to pray for matters that we feel are important for the Lord's interest at this time. These do not need to be followed in the way of legality; we want our prayer to be organic by following the leading of the Spirit. Also please pray for the ones that you are burdened for and the needs that you are aware of in the groups.

In order that now to the rulers and the authorities in the heavenlies the multifarious wisdom of God might be made known through the church, according to the eternal purpose which He made in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Eph. 3:10-11)

1. Please continue to pray for the ruling of the heavens over the entire situation in Ukraine so that:

  • The Lord will use the shepherding gospel trips to Warsaw and Krakow, Poland, in June and July to bring many newly saved refugees into the church life, where they can be perfected to be living and functioning members for the building up of the Body
  • The spiritual forces that seek to destroy the Lord’s interests will be shattered, and God’s move in His economy will advance
  • The Lord would provide more housing for the Ukranian saints that are ready to move from Gut Elim to the localities in Germany.

2. The Video Training on the Crystallization-study of 1 & 2 Kings that began last Tuesday, 12 July 2022, will continue this week. Pray for our heart to be the good ground to receive His timely, supplying, and perfecting word. Pray for the study times, the testing, and the practical service of the video training. Pray for our blending with the saints from Leipzig and the surrounding area who will join us this weekend in the video training.

3. Pray that the saints will continue to practice the God-ordained way by having intimate and thorough fellowship with the Lord and with their companions. Pray that the groups will continue to meet weekly and that they will rise up to take action in a spirit of prayer with endurance to contact people two to three hours every week. Pray that we would learn to take action, to work, to labor, in faith, not by our feelings. Pray that the Lord would bless all the groups with remaining fruit.

4. The European Young People’s Conference will be held this year in Male Ciche, Poland from July 31 to August 6, 2022. Pray for the preparation and coordination of the serving saints. Pray that the Lord will prepare the hearts of the young people to receive His speaking.

5. Please pray that the Lord would lead the saints in Stuttgart as they seek for a property for the campus labor within walking distance from the main campus.

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