Dear saints, the suggested prayer burdens are given as a help to pray for matters that we feel are important for the Lord's interest at this time. These do not need to be followed in the way of legality; we want our prayer to be organic by following the leading of the Spirit. Also please pray for the ones that you are burdened for and the needs that you are aware of in the groups.
"This One, in the days of His flesh, having offered up both petitions and supplications with strong crying and tears to Him who was able to save Him out of death and having been heard because of His piety (Heb. 5:7)"
- Prayer regarding the situation in Ukraine. Please continue to pray for the ruling of the heavens over the entire situation so that:
- the teams going out to proclaim the gospel among the refugees in Poland, Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, and Romania will be in good health and will find many sons of peace who will receive the Lord and be gained for the church life.
- the saints in Ukraine and those from Ukraine in the European countries will receive the supply of the resurrection life and will rise up to live and proclaim the gospel to their fellow Ukrainians.
- those who care for the saints from Ukraine who have recently come to Europe will enjoy the Lord as their bountiful supply of grace, wisdom, and endurance.
- Satan and the authority of darkness over Europe will be bound, and God’s move in His economy will advance
- the Lord’s testimony in Ukraine would be preserved and pray for the Lord’s shepherding of the saints that are still in Ukraine.
- Pray for our receiving of the saints from Ukraine that will move from Gut Elim to Berlin. Pray that many saints in Berlin will participate in the care of these saints in a way that will minister life to them.
2. Pray for the God-ordained Way Practice Training that we would pray desperately, “Lord, we ask You, when the season comes, to give each one of us two people who are remaining fruit. Otherwise, we cannot go on.” We should pray and pray until the Lord answers our prayer. We should not be discouraged or disappointed but have the full assurance that He will fulfill His word. This is because He told us that He has chosen us and set us to go forth to bear fruit and that our fruit should remain. ((CWWL 1991-1992, vol. 3, “Fellowship Concerning the Urgent Need of the Vital Groups, ch. 23, pp. 563-565)
3. The new semester began with in-person classes this week, on April 18th. Please pray we would not miss the opportunity but we’d rise up, show strength, and take action for the gospel to spread among the students in Berlin and for the church to bear remaining fruit for the future of the Lord‘s testimony in Berlin and Europe.
4. Pray for the continued prayer and care for the young people by the parents and the serving ones. Pray that the homes of the saints would continue to be open for the shepherding of the young people in a loving atmosphere to build up their companionship and nurture them in the Word and in the enjoyment of the Lord.
5. Pray for the Lord’s leading and wisdom regarding our meeting in person at the meeting hall.
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