1. Thank the Lord for the release of the burdens in the Lord's Day meeting on February 6 regarding the need of the small group meetings and the need to be constituted with the truth through our reading of the Life-study of Romans this year. Below are some items for prayer:
  • Pray that everyone would be included in a group meeting for mutual fellowship, singing hymns and praying, supply of the word, and perfecting of every believer.
  • Pray for the Lord to strengthen the existing groups and that those who are not in a group would find vital companions.
  • Pray that all saints in the church in Berlin would see the vision of the need of being constituted with the truth, would be hungry for the truth, and would be encouraged by the Lord to devour the Life-study of Romans, which the church will read this year.
  1. During the Winter school of truth, several saints in Berlin responded to the need and served to care for the young people. Also, several homes opened for the care and blending of the young people. Pray that the homes of the saints would continue to be open and that the saints would continue to care for the young people throughout the year.
  2. Pray for the pre-training meeting on February 16 for phase 3 of the God-ordained way practice training. Please pray for the Lord's leading and His speaking to cause us to advance in our practice of the God-ordained way and the vital groups.

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